
Spatial Thinking and the National Science Standards

Post by Brixovng


The relationship of the science standards to the basic concepts of spatial thinking is by no implies as explicit as it is in the mathematics standards (NRC, 1996). A detailed reading of the science standards suggests that there is spatial thinking and spatial reasoning content, but neither phrase appears in the text, nor are the ideas addressed explicitly and systematically.

The science standards are comparable in structure to those for mathematics. The 1 exception is that although the mathematics standards speak of “standards and principles,” the science standards broadly apply the concept of standards to each element of the educational method that touches the student-teacher relationship. So in the science standards there are standards for teaching, assessment, teacher preparation, and content, even though the mathematics standards handle several of these topics in the principles.

The science content material standards include six fundamental themes, for which standards are elaborated in each and every of three grade intervals (K-4, five-8, and 9-12). These themes are unifying concepts and processes science as inquiry physical science, life science, Earth and space science science and technology science in individual and social perspective and history and nature of science.

The content material standards for physical, life, Earth, and space sciences construct on a theme associated with spatial thinking. This theme is 1 of an orderly progression from naming and locating objects, to placing objects in relationship to each and every other, naming those relationships, and then progressing to explanations of the spatial and functional structure of objects and their relationships. This parallels the discussion of the historical process that astronomy has taken from first locating and naming objects in the sky to inferring the structure and evolution of the universe. These actions are recapitulated in the Earth science common, which begins with discovering and describing Earth supplies and culminates with the origin and evolution of the Earth method at level 9-12, including explicitly in level five-8 the spatial structure of the Earth technique. In the life sciences common a similar constructivist approach culminates at 9-12 with an understanding of matter, energy, and organizes. bon of living systems, progressing in grades five-8 via the study of structure and function in living systems.

The science content material standards necessarily reflect spatial thinking and reasoning in an implicit way because numerous of the objects of study for science exist in the actual world. Thus, it is needed to place issues in that globe, to speak to their relationships, and to make inferences about their structure and function. The question of how an explicit focuson spatial thinking might improve that approach of study remains unanswered in the science standards, with 1 achievable exception in the program standards for the design and implementation of science programs at the school and district levels. Normal C of the program standards states that “the science program ought to be coordinated with the mathematics program to boost student use and understanding of mathematics in the study of science and to increase student understanding of mathematics”.

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