• Travel

    Will Space Travel Save Us All? | Idea Channel | PBS

    Will Space travel change our perspective on the human condition? Space, also known as The Final Frontier, has been in our collective dreams and fantasies for decades. Who WOULDN’T want to blast into space, experience zero gravity, or walk on the moon?! But with limited funding to NASA, the day that had been promised to us for years (in addition to flying cars and hover boards), seems no closer now than it did 30 years ago. BUT WAIT! Could private research and funding be the future of galactic exploration? And maybe once we are all able to see the earth from a distance, we’ll all gain some much needed perspective.…

  • Business

    You Have A Business Idea, Now What?

    Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson, demystifies the process of launching a company by answering aspiring entrepreneur’s questions. Today he discusses what the initial steps are after coming up with an idea for a new company. Have a question about launching a business that you want answered? Comment or add a video response! Jay’s Twitter: www.twitter.com EMail Your Questions: askjay@revision3.com Never Miss An Episode! Subscribe Here: www.youtube.com More AskJay Episodes: www.revision3.com ABOUT ASK JAY: Entrepreneur, CEO, and business owner Jay Adelson (Equinix, Digg, Revision3, SimpleGeo) demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. Submit questions to learn how to turn any business idea into reality and maybe…