• Business

    Part 4 – The Heartbreak Comeback. Busy Busy Bee

    Write-up by Shane Hodge &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 &#13 You know a Bee lives for about 21 days and for the duration of that time its busy busy, buzzing about collecting pollen, helping to make honey. It does not really sleep it just grabs a couple of minutes “Shut Eye” and then off to function once more. So the term “be as busy as a bee” is a excellent 1, not that we want to live on 21 days at the pace a bee does but the “Busy Bee” motto is exactly where today’s “Heartbreak Comeback” write-up is going to lead us.Individual, Enterprise, Well being whatever…