• Health

    Eat Cheap Health Food on a Budget Pt. 1

    BUFF DUDES T-SHIRTS! http://store.buff-dudes.com Are you strapped for cash and feel like if you buy healthy food you’ll be spending more money than you’ve go… Friend us!! http://www.Facebook.com/psychetruthvideos What to EAT! Basic Nutrition, Weight Loss, Healthy Diet, Best Foods | Health Coach Tips Corrina discuss…

  • Politics

    Politicians Fight Over Budget Before It Is Released

    www.ctvvancouverisland.ca http VICTORIA – Kevin Falcon is promising a few surprises in his 2012 spending budget and says he plans to stay fiscally prudent, so BC does not shed its “Triple A” credit rating. Typically, politicians fight more than the budget immediately after it has been released. But on the eve of the government laying out its fiscal strategy, each sides are squabbling. The Liberals acting far more like opposition than the party in power, attacking NDP Leader Adrian Dix and his party. The Liberals have been combing via statements produced by Dix and his caucus in the media that could be in any way enhance spending. And they have…