
Is Your Home; “Home Sweet Home”

Article by Jan Hayner

You wake up in the morning and you feel like you are drudging through another day. You make the coffee, brush your teeth, get dressed, grab something to eat as you are going out the door with your coffee in hand and you try to make it through another work day. Does that sound about right?

You get back home and the morning dishes are waiting for you along with the messed up bed and last nights papers laying all over the floor and the pile of dirty wash that you were too tired to do last night and will probably leave for tomorrow night.

Does that sound like the way your life goes on a daily basis, week after week?

So what happened to the “Home Sweet Home” you thought you had?

Real Simple! It vanished, along with cleaning the house, the organized closets, the clean dishes and cupboards and the stress-free life you once had.

How did you ever let things get so out of hand? Where did things all start to go wrong? Why is it you hate to walk through that door at night?

It’s because everything that is in there is another form of stress and your body has had enough for one day, you don’t want to handle anymore. So, you ignore the dirty clothes, the messy living room and the pile of dishes, just to collapse from exhaustion.

This is understandable in our world today. Our jobs are much more competitive that they were years ago and although this is the age of computers, we are timed in every step that we take in the work environment.

Most businesses now have everything or a large percentage of things at work, computer generated, which means that we are constantly trying to keep up. So, we are running on high speed from the time that we get up in the morning until the time that we go to bed at night. Our Bodies have very little time to relax and enjoy the benefits of all of our hard work.

So, how do we get this “Home Sweet Home” back again? How do we get that feeling of contentment back in your life with just the thought of being ‘home’ again? How do we get your home back on track without causing more stress and anxiety?

Well, you have a couple of options1. Sell your house and move and buy everything new.2. Find the time to clean and organize it yourself3. Hire a Professional Organizer to help you and give you ideas.

Will it work?1. Selling your house is a big chore and at the rate that you are going you would probably have to move again within the year, so this isn’t really a good idea.2. You don’t have enough time to keep it clean now, where are you going to find the time to clean and organize it?3. This is an option, but you don’t have the time to sit and talk to someone and go through all of the things they would want to tell you. So, it would take too much time.

So, what else can you do?

1. You can try to find a Professional Organizer on the Internet that you can talk to when you have the time, one that can work you through your problem and give you hints and suggestions on how you can create a friendly living space that won’t take much upkeep.

2. You can look for a Home Organizing website that can give you fast and easy hints and tips on organizing your home within the time limits that you have.

3. You can purchase some of the countless books on Organizing and read them and put some of the ideas to good use.

Let’s face it;Your home didn’t get this way overnight, and it’s not going to get better that fast either.

Their isn’t anything like little cleaning elves that are going to come in while you are sleeping and organize everything.

You know that you really need help from someoneIn order to find everything you are going to have to organize it yourself so things are where ‘you’ will have them handy.

After a hard day of work, you really do need a place where you can come to and relax, besides that…you deserve it!

Do yourself a favor and look for that Professional Organizer or that site on the internet that will help you with ‘Home Organizing’ and help to relieve some of the stress and anxiety and give yourself more time to enjoy life!

About the Author

Jan Hayner is a Professional Organizer and creator of www.organizingandcleaning.com, she offers tips, hints and shortcuts to everyday problems with organizing your home, work, family and life. She offers articles, checklists and monthly newsletter on Home Organizing and Household Cleaning Hints, tips and shortcuts. Tips for men, women, seniors and kids.

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